Category Archives: poetry

Leibster Blog Award Nomination !

I have just been nominated by the lovely santahatchronicles (, for the Leibster Blog Award! I am so pleased and grateful…thankyou so much.

I must now answer these 10 random questions and I will try to be as honest as possible….hmm?

1. What is your favorite kitchen? Why?    I just cannot choose….I just love food! Though I do often crave some good Mexican!

2. What you hate most about people?  I hate bullies, and those that have fun at another’s expense….hate that!

3. Where would you travel first if money wouldn’t matter?   Before I went to France I would have said Paris, but now I have a big hankering to see Tuscany in Italy…..inspiring!

4.What is your favotite part of the day and why?  When I can make myself get up, I think it is the early morning when the sun is coming up. Walking then when the world is still relatively quiet is cleansing….a great way to start the day.

5.  Where would you like to live?  Probably by the sea, with a hilly hinterland….walking on the beach, winter or summer is soul soothing.

6.What is the funniest things you’ve ever done?   When I was a child my sister and I used to make ourselves laugh on purpose…we’d just start laughing until we were actually nearly wetting our pants! I guess we didn’t know it, but it was laughter therapy!

7.  Which movie is better than the book?   I don’t think that is possible…..they are such different experiences, but a movie tends to leave out so much. I prefer to get lost in my own imagination, and only a book allows you to do that.

8.  What is your favorite song? Why?   Oh gosh, this is a hard one…..”At Last” always moves me, but I tend to love most songs by my favorite artists, and there are so many, old and new!

9.What is the first thing on your bucket list?  I don’t think I have a bucket list, but I suppose travelling overseas with my new man would be brilliant!

10. Who is your favorite actor/actress?      I think Meryl Streep is brilliant….she can make you believe and feel everything she is portraying. I have favorite movies across every genre from “Love Actually” to original “Star Wars” and  everything inbetween!

And now I must nominate up to 11 other bloggers that I admire….so hard, so many!


A Word or Two



finding the joy







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“Thankyou” (for Jeff)

There are no words,

honed and tumbled

inside a churning heart,

chafed beside unshed emotion.

My heart rests beside you,

spread honey-thin

with every touch,

running through your fingers

and warming your sheets.

‘Being’ and ‘receiving’

are my testaments to this peace,

yet troubled words,

like tiny ravenous creatures of habit

hover in the wings,

fed by one too used to disappointment.

I stubbornly ignore them,

and this stillness is my gratitude,

feeling the gentle tide of your kindness

smooth the ancient dimpled

surface of my pain,

to reveal the lost winged

centre of my heart.


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“The First Time”

The darkness and the drink

emboldens me,

to feel the unfamiliar contours

beneath my hand,

with blissfully familiar outcomes.

I trust a ‘stranger’

to have their way with me,

and to find their way around me,

in the blurred reality

that is the intersection

of night time and desire,

of  longing and loneliness,

amidst the murmuring

that soothes my soul.

And so my heart

trumps my head again,

all sense relegated

to poetic reasoning,

and I am fate’s fool

and your yearning,




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“A Dogs Life”

Grizzled muzzle,

and the rocking gait

of old dogs and men,

carrying the weight

of seven times his natural years.

The sounds of this world

fading in his ears;

eyes seeing only memories silhouette.

The uncontained energy

of that younger one

with his mocking blue eye;

opportunity and daring

the realm of pups and children.

Yet with inspired quickness

he is chastised

in a mouthful of fur,

and reminded you are alpha still.

It takes all my strength

not to help him to his feet,

like the temptation to finish

a stutterers sentence.

But who am I to deny him

the dignity of final effort;

the macabre solace of just moving

from here to there,



eating again,



but then sleeping,

not waking,

free of the heavy hand

of gravity and appetite,

wandering weightless,

coat shining,

eyes seeing and seeing,

ears hearing unchartered sounds….

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“The Transcendent Tide”. (For Caleb on his 18th birthday).

Experiential estuaries

flood my heart.

Muddied by emotion

I sink into the silken silt

and it closes around my feet

in the deceptive warmth

of an embrace.

The murky delta

spreads dark and distant

and inertia settles

unchallenged in my breast.

But I wait

for the universal tide

that rushes in

with my breath,

leaving clear pools

of  benevolence,

glowing gifts

of timeless treasures.

The world doesn’t let me

wander and ponder for long,

as I shove them

into deep pockets

and corners of hope.

And as I roll their smoothness

in my curving palm,

the common thread

ties it all together

for a moment.

It is then I feel

the ache of my wings

beneath the fleshy layers,

and I walk once again

with purpose…..


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Haiku….”Spring Gifts”

Gems of soft petal.

Blooms in uncommon beauty.

We look but don’t see…..

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Haiku…..”The Searching”

Illusive as truth.

Heart yearns in expectation.

Love is tired of me…..

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Haiku…..”In the Moment”

Chasing and reaching.

Time tempts us beyond the now.

Tied up to our dreams….


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“A Long Voyage in a Small Boat”

I am on a long voyage

in a small boat.

Sometimes it has galleon sails

and sometimes there is just

a sad and single oar,

and sometimes it drifts unmanned

as I lie in its bottom

imploring the sky.

At times I have woken

to find another manning the helm,

taking me to unplanned

and fearfully exotic places,

to merely wash me ashore

and leave me unmapped

to sail out against the tide.

The care-worn holes

of shipwrecked times

are now windows to depths

I may never have known.

Battle-born barnacles

armour my hull,

and gowns of seaweed

trail behind me,

a patchwork of terrible

and beauteous lace.

Through it all

there is the same veil of sky

above me,

the same cradle of sea below,

the same embracing sun,

the same dark mystery of moon,

the same companionable creatures,

the same rocking wind.

And when my grand children ask,

“what did you do?”

I will tell them

I went on a very long voyage

in a very small boat,

and I was the captain,

and my heart was my compass….


Filed under poetry

“Constant Things”

There is a sadness in me

that no sigh

is deep enough to expel;

a stream that is sometimes

just a dusty ancient track,

an almost imperceptible scar,

then suddenly full and over-flowing,

gushing and eroding,

seasonal and inevitable,

but never gone.

An uncontained and desparate plea,

or just a familiar distant expectation,

all the while flanked

by reliable and comforting forest,

soft and lacey fingers of willow

that caress its crumbling banks,

and swathes of bountiful fields

that run in constant companionship beside,

…the evergreen harvest

of true and lasting love.

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